
Monday, May 2, 2016

How To Get A Girl Out Of Your League

By Lee Rosenberg

A red dress cleaves to her curvy body. Her smile will make him skip instead of walk to work tomorrow. He thinks about how nice it would be to bring this girl home to Thanksgiving. He muses on how his parents wouldnt think he was a loser with women anymore. He imagines bringing her around the kids who used to pick on him. "Boy, would they be jealous," he says but not aloud.

But when push comes to shove, he cannot approach her. Deep down, he believes that shes out of his league. He doesnt see himself having low self-esteem. Instead, he thinks hes honest about his worth with women: hes 56", portly, and unemployed.

I genuinely believe honesty will get you far in life. But not when it comes to your worth with women. Most Don Juans, Casanovas, and ladies men are a bit delusional.

If youre too realistic about your own worth, get an infusion of arrogance.

Heres why: a big part of what attracts women is confidence and self-respect. If a man has low self-esteem, a woman will see him as having little worth. On the other hand, if he is uglier than sin but is full of himself, she will see him as having high worth.

So heres my homework for you. Ask yourself: What qualities do you have that are better than most men? Maybe youve got great teeth, a perfect nose, or a black belt in karate. Now, keep telling yourself that youre better than other men because you have these things. The more you tell yourself this, the more arrogant youll get, and the more women will find you attractive.

Arrogance is not necessarily a good quality to have. But when it comes to women and dating it is imperative - trust me. Good luck, have fun, and best of luck attracting hundreds of new girls with your new found arrogance.

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