
Saturday, May 14, 2016

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Hates You!

You may have liked the freedom of being single at first, but now youre constantly wondering how to get your ex girlfriend back. To make matters worse, youre pretty sure she hates you.


Its never easy to win back an ex girlfriend, but when she hates you too? Thats a tough situation.

Here are some tips to help you win her back.

Figure out where you messed up.

OK, she hates you. But why? Figure out which of your actions made her so angry. 

(Disclaimer: they should be legitimate reasons. Otherwise you may be trying to get back with a woman who isnt good for you! For example, flirting with other girls all the time? Good reason for her to be angry. Mad about eating your food too slowly? Stay away from her!)

(Second disclaimer: If things ended because you were a jerk, think carefully about whether its fair to loop her back in.)

Start changing your behavior for real.

Girls can usually tell when youre putting on an act. If you want to change for the better so that you can get your ex girlfriend back, you need to change for real. Do it for you, away from her. 

For example, if she grew concerned that you werent motivated enough to be her partner because you had just been fired from your job and were partying every day, start motivating yourself! Get your actions in order. Become the motivated man she aspired for you to be. 

(Disclaimer: you must also want to be that kind of man, but perhaps hadnt in the past out for whatever reason. Dont become someone youre not; be the better version of yourself you aspire to be. If shes good for you, chances are she wants the same thing for you.)

Take your time.

Its usually not idea to hop in and out of relationships, but its even more rocky if one partner has deep emotional baggage about their partner. Take your time with rekindling your romance! Even if she shows hints that she may want to get back together, resist the urge to dive in. It could backfire.

Dont promote jealousy. 

Some men try to flaunt their conquests in front of the woman they want to be with, as though theyre trying to say: Look how desirable I am!

For some women, this may work, but think about it: you would only attract the type of woman who wants what she cant have, not what she really wants. To start things on healthier footing, keep jealousy out of the mix. Feel free to date (youre single!), but dont rub it in your exs face, thinking it will inspire her to run back into your arms. Probably wont work, and will only make things worse.

Know when youre defeated.

She may want nothing to do with you. At least not for a long, long time. If that seems to be the case, dont drag it out. Resist investing loads of emotional energy into a partnership that isnt to be. 

Besides, if you keep going after her, you could completely obliterate your chances of getting back with her some time in the distant future. 

Relationships are complicated, and ending them is even worse. Sometimes men realize what they had after that person is gone, forcing them to frantically wonder: How can I get my ex girlfriend back?!
A good mentality to have when trying to win an ex back, especially if she seems to hate your guts, if the idea that youre making life improvements for you and if she doesnt return, it will be difficult, but you will be able to find someone else. 

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