
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why Child Support Calculator Flordia Programs Are False

By Tim Beachum

Before you go entering your private info into a child support calculator for Florida please study this warning. In an effort to avoid any legal actions all calculators have a disclaimer that states that the calculator is exclusively for informational and tutorial purposes only. It is important that you understand that ?all? Calculators are just rough guesstimates of what you could have to pay on a monthly basis.

Each child support payment case in the state of Florida is set and suppose to follow a harsh axiom. However the laws can be overridden by a judge. This insanity leads one to ask why would they spend tax dollars and spend time on even forming an axiom in the state of Florida if the judge has the final decision.

Since all Florida child support calculators online are straightforward programs there are many things that it cannot take account of. As an example all of the calculator programs say that all or most children in question are residing with one parent. For example, if you were in a situation that are composed of joint physical custody or split custody.

The calculator for child support support calculator Florida program doesnt take into account corrections if there would happen to be a child thats subject to a particular custody order. Once again I must say that the above factors as well as many others could probably affect the child support claim order issued by the courts.

The real use of the majority of the child support calculators online serve one purpose and one purpose only. They are utilised as a sales funnel to create leads. I bet you did not see that one coming did you? Next time you are on a site with a child support calculator take a good look at the site. Chances are it is either a site for some sort of legal firm, or a site driven by adverts. Either way the site is used to make cash from you.

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