
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dealing with a Break Up 3 Types of Exercise That Help You Get Over a Painful Split

One of the most challenging parts of life is dealing with a break-up. Sure, its tough to get over a split with friends and family, but losing a romantic relationship is especially brutal.

A lot of post-breakup stereotypes tend to involve heartbroken former loves who are crying, venting to friends, and devouring tubs of ice cream. These steps all have their place in the grieving cycle!

Heres another thing that can help you get over the loss of a romantic partnership: exercise! Read on for three types of exercise that can help you deal with a break-up.

1. Yoga

Sure, yoga has a fitness component, but its stress-reduction benefits are probably the most valuable for anyone going through a stressful breakup.

The best part is, anyone can practice it. Find sequences that suit your level and respect your edge.

2. Running

Ever heard of "runners high?" Its where endorphins flood the brain, usually after a grueling run, which leaves you feeling great (even on days when you wake up feeling bleh).

Next time youre wallowing in post-breakup blues, pop on some running shoes and go for a long run. Youll be in a better mental place for it.

3. Swimming

Beyond the physical benefits, swimming has mental benefits too. There is evidence to suggest that water-based exercise improves mood in men and women. 

Relationships end, but your good mood doesnt have to end with them! Exercise is a great way of dealing with a break-up. Youll still have tough days, but establishing a regular exercise routine could make the process easier.

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