
Friday, April 22, 2016

A Mans Guide to Romance 10 Tips for Serving a Romantic Dinner at Home

Guys, want to ignite passion in your relationship? Contrary to what they say in the media, a girl doesnt want diamonds for a best friend. What she really desires is a deep connection with her ideal man.
That does not mean 10 carat diamond rings, or whisking her away to a chateau in Paris will not improve your chances of a hot night. But, unless you are swimming in a trust fund, the sugar daddy approach will not maintain a lasting relationship. You want to be the only man she desires. And for that, my friend, you must master the art of romance.
Learning how to connect with her emotionally, while staying in control, is an important lesson in romance. Thats right, even strong, independent women want to feel taken care of and pampered. A simple way to inject romance and passion in a relationship is cooking her dinner. I know you have heard this a thousand times, but done correctly, the at home date is the ultimate in romance. Here are a few tips to pull off this oldie but goodie.
1. Be spontaneous. Women love mystery. Surprise her for no reason at all and romance will definitely be in the air.
2. Plan all the details. It shows you put thought and time into pleasing her. The at home date is only successful when you take control. If you ask her for help setting up the date, the evening is a bust. You have to put your big boy pants on and make it happen all by yourself.
3. Clear a space. Make sure the house, or at least the room for the big date is tidy and clean. You want to eliminate any possible distractions. Piles of laundry in the background will not garner her undivided attention.
4. Be her personal chef. Do all the cooking yourself! You dont need to make a fancy soufflé. Plan a simple menu you can handle with an appetizer and dessert. Make sure you add one of her favorites to the menu. It can be as easy as a chocolate dipped, homemade, Pillsbury cookie or a baked potato with her favorite fixins. Just be certain her personality is on the plate.
5. Set the Scene. Low light is notoriously romantic. Dim the lights then create soft lighting with candles or white Christmas lights. If the sun is setting open the windows. Simply controlling the lighting will cast a romantic glow on the evening.
6. Lull her into a relaxed state. Turn on background music loud enough to set the mood, yet soft enough to allow for conversation and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
7. Make it an adult only event. Dont forget to drop your kids off at the sitters. You dont want to go through all this work to have your lover switch into Mommy mode.
8. Give her eye candy. Once everything is set, hop in the shower, put on some suave threads and her favorite cologne. After all, you are the most important part of the scene.
9. Be a gentleman. Take off her coat when she arrives, pull out her chair, and bring her a glass of wine without asking. She is completely capable of doing these simple tasks herself. But, she will appreciate your care and attentiveness.
10. Be attentive. Women love a great listener. Encourage her to share her thoughts by engaging her in conversation. Keep the mood romantic with the right questions. Ask her what she is thinking about; reminisce about your first kiss or the first time you met. Even ask about her turn-ons. Keep it sensual, unhurried and connected.
Follow the advice above and you are sure to experience an unforgettable evening - with many more to come.

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