
Friday, April 15, 2016

How To Earn Respect In a Relationship

Mutual respect is an important pillar for a successful, joyful relationship. Many relationships fail because theres a lack of respect between the partners. Respect is conferred to a person only when they deserve it, and typically must be earned in the eyes of the other person. The following are some ways through which you can earn the respect of your partner:

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Take Care of Yourself

Men are highly visual creatures. They are attracted to women they find visually pleasing and will try to respect her in every possible way in order to win her attention and company. The more you take care of yourself, the more respect hell have for you.

Dont be Afraid to be Independent

This includes self-rule, self-determination, self-reliance and self-sufficiency. It is a must-have element for both parties entering a relationship. Youll both need some degree of freedom to keep yourr sanity and as a safeguard against some unavoidable changes, such as a break-up or even the death of a partner.

You should not completely give up living your life just because you have a partner; its sad that some people entering a relationship behave as if it is the end of their life. Living your own life and finding the areas where you complement your partner is the best thing to do. Self reliance earns you more respect than coming across as needy and clingy.

Display Self Confidence

This means poise and assurance, that is, believing in yourself. Cultivate composure, self-control and dignity in the way you carry yourself. People who are not confident are often insecure and timid. That can make them a target for people who take advantage of others when given the opportunity. On the other hand they tend to respect those people who are sure of themselves and appear to possess self control.

Be honest

Honesty remains to be the best policy in any relationship. If you are always 100% honest, you cannot go wrong and your partner will always trust you. Unfaithfulness in a relationship is one of the hardest things to overcome but by being honest you will win over your partner’s trust even in trivial things.

Keep your word

A sure way to lose your partner’s respect is to fail to keep your word. If you say you will do something, make every effort to do it. If circumstances out of your control prevent you from keeping your word, apologize, even if it wasnt technically your fault. And do this for friends and family, not just your partner. His respect for you will grow when he sees how well you treat other people besides him.

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Give praise when it is deserved

Make every effort to notice helpful things that your partner does for you. Being genuinely appreciative for these things and approving your partner will improve your relationship radically. Dont put a limit on your praise, everybody wants and needs that "pat on the back" for a job well done. Men will often not get it in the workplace, so its critical that they get well deserved praise at home.

Respect your partner

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, mutual respect is a cornerstone for a solid relationship foundation. Youll find it much harder to stay in a long term commitment with a partner you dont respect. And so will he.

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