
Friday, April 22, 2016

Undeniable Signs Hes In Love With You

Its not always easy to tell if a man is actually in love with you or just really likes you. But there are a few surefire ways to tell so you can stop wondering.

Youre His Top Priority

He thinks about you often and keeps in contact frequently throughout the day. He includes you in his plans and appreciates it when you do the same for him. In conversation, he uses words like "us", "we", and "ours". This indicates he subconsciously wants you to be a part of his future.


He Respects You and Treats You Well

When a man loves a woman he is attentive to her needs, feelings, and desires. In fact, if hes really in love with you, chances are he will put your needs first over his own. 

Often he will go out of his way to make your life better in some way and also show respect and courtesy to your friends and family as well.

A Man in Love Will Tell His Friends All About You

If a man shows you affection, especially in public, it clearly indicates hes proud of you and wants everyone to see that youre his main squeeze. 

He wants all his friends and family to know about you and invites you to special family functions and even company gatherings.

Undeniable Signs Hes In Love With You 

Most of His Free Time is Spent With You

Youre the one he wants to see in his free time. He chooses to go everywhere with you and spend major holidays together such as Christmas, New Years Eve, Thanksgiving, and of course, Valentines Day.

If a Man Loves You, He Cares About Your Life

A man who truly loves you is genuinely happy when things go well for you. In challenging times, hes the first one to comfort you and stay by your side. Hes the epitome of a stand-up guy whos willing to go the extra mile on your behalf. 

A love-smitten man will likely think of fun ways to surprise you in order to keep you happy. When faced with adversity or danger, he rushes to your side to show his clear intention of protecting you and everything about you.

Men in Love Dont Cheat

If a man loves you, there is no way he is going to cheat on you with another woman. No excuses. Yes, men are hard-wired to spread their seed and procreate in the animal kingdom. But an honorable man whos deeply in love with a woman wouldnt think of it. 

He only desires the object of his affection - you. Also, he treats your relationship with the utmost integrity and honor. He is trustworthy, noble, and loyal when it comes to your connection with him. He does what he says hes going to do out of respect for you.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Never believe a man when he says "I love you" if his actions and behaviors arent aligned with his words. Does he say "I love you" and then turn around and text another woman secretly behind your back? 

If so, he doesnt truly love or respect you. Your gut instinct will let you know whether hes simply feeding you a line for some ulterior motive or if he truly means it. Also, read his body language when he says it.

Trust your intuition - its right 100% of the time.

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