
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why Your Ex Hates You The Truth

Your last relationship didnt end well. A few months have gone by since the break-up and youre hoping you can at least be friends with your former love. But theres a huge problem with that plan -- your ex ignores you, or worse, seems to flat-out hate your guts. So, wheres this animosity coming from? Heres the ugly truth about why your ex hates you.

Are you an evil ex? That could explain why your ex hates you.

You caused irreparable harm.

Think back to your relationship. How did you treat your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife? If not very well, you may be underestimating how difficult it is to get over really bad treatment, especially when it came from a partner who was supposed to be a source of love and support. In some cases, the damage may be so deep, things wont ever be fully right.

You wont give them space.

You broke up for a reason. Chances are, they need time away from you to process what happened and to make the next step in their life. Give them their time; if you dont, they could grow to hate you for it.

You lied. A lot.

Deception cuts deep, especially when its perpetuated by those you love. You may be attempting a new lease on life, but lets face it, your past plays a role in shaping how youre perceived. Itll take time for new (positive) habits to be the new norm. And until your honest routines becoming the new normal, residual habits (that were once damaging) could help explain why your ex still hates you, or at the least ignores you.

You embarrassed them in a big way.

It may have felt good after a squabble to embarrass your ex at work, around respected peers, or their parents, especially in a bold, intensely malicious way. But it didnt feel good to them. These kinds of actions quickly snowball into break-up territory, and if this kind of act brought your former relationship to its knees, chances are your ex wont want to be pals for some time.
Painful relationships take time to heal. Until they do, review the old barbs from your previous romantic union for insight into why your ex hates you. And if you want to stop the hate, if you can, you need to work hard at developing new habits that show youve grown.

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