
Sunday, March 27, 2016

4 Tips on How to Cope with a Long Distance Relationship

Relationships are hard. Long distance relationships can be harder.

For many, its difficult to know how to cope with a long distance relationship that, at times, seems to bring more pain and loneliness than joy.

You see couples out on the town and you want nothing more than your other half to be there. But you know you wont be seeing the one you love for some time -- not for another few weeks, maybe even months.

Unfortunately, there isnt a special recipe for how to cope with a long distance relationship. Each person has different needs, and each long distance couple takes on the challenge in different ways.

However, there are some tips that help most couples cope.

1. Set an end date.

Not knowing when the distance will end is a source of anxiety for even the most level-headed person. Sure, life can make it difficult to pinpoint a date, but you should really try to establish one. After all, the fact youre in a long distance relationship speaks to the fact youre involved with someone you want to hold on to; more most couples, that bond will loosen if youre in different parts of the world for years on end. 

2. Establish routines.

Couples fall into routines. When you see someone in person regularly, it may be catching a show you love, or grabbing dinner at your favorite place. Establish routines with your long-distance love, too. Have date nights where you watch a movie together over the phone or simply times each week when youve promised to chat.

3. Remain vocal in your affection.

You have fewer kisses and hugs when youre miles apart. Without words reassuring the other person that theyre loved and cherished, it can start to feel lonely being in long distance relationship. Let them know you love them.

4. Fill up your schedule.

Its hard to control how you respond to being alone; you can control how often youre alone, though. If you notice that its more difficult to cope with your relationship when youre by yourself, dive into other activities. Go out with friends. Take a class. Join a meetup group.

For many people, its hard to be away from a partner whose company they cherish. You cant find a set formula for how to cope with the loneliness that a long distance relationship can bring. However, most couples benefit from keeping routines, remaining vocal in their love, and staying busy. And better still, it helps if theres an end date on the horizon.

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