
Monday, March 21, 2016

How to Find a Good! Relationship

The question comes up a lot: How do I find a good relationship? Wanting a connection transcends life stages -- whether youre in college, getting your life back after divorce, retired, or established in a career. So, whats the trick to solving this common desire?

Heres how to find a relationship (a good one!) and it requires steps that are probably different than you think.

Stop looking!

I know, youre probably thinking: What?! But its true! The more you focus on finding a suitable partner, the more it will stress you out, which will trickle over into how you interact with someone you find who you do like. Thats not to say you should never approach people -- thats my last tip! -- but finding a relationship shouldnt occupy all your mental energy.

Get rid your checklist

Do you have a list of requirements for a partner thats a mile long? Its time to get rid of it. Or, at the least, do some editing. Having standards is excellent, as is knowing what you want. But sometimes great additions to your life emerge out of unsuspecting places. Be open to people who might initially be missing some of your requirements; you never know, they might offer something youd hadnt even thought to put on your list.

Think about what you offer

If youve been single for longer than you would have liked and youre feeling down, it can be difficult to project the awesome person you are. Before you get down in the dumps, reflect for a minute: what do you offer? What cool things have you done? What went right in your previous relationship?

Dive into personal interests

Youve got hobbies, right? Are you connected with all the organizations in your community related to them? Even if you can only commit so much time per week, having your feelers out in communities whose activities you love not only will contribute to your happiness, but will widen your social net to include like-minded people, which can be an effective solution for how to find a good relationship.

Interested in someone? Ask them out!

OK, this sounds obvious, I know. But please think for a moment: how many times have you had interest in someone, only to wait for the perfect time to make your move (which never came!)? Or believed the other person should approaching you? If youre serious about finding a relationship, you have to drop the excuses. Besides, whats the worry? Youre probably asking them out for coffee, not marriage! (I hope.) Worst case scenario, they say theyre busy, and then on to the next one.

Countless people wonder how to find a good relationship, the fact of the matter is, one solution doesnt fit all. The best thing you can do is invest time in yourself, stay calm, and if you do encounter someone you like, approach em!

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