
Monday, March 21, 2016

Reasons to Move on After Heartbreak

The world is constantly changing and so are you. And just because a certain someone was right for you at one time doesnt mean they always will be. This is true in virtually every area of life including your career, home, habits, and your relationships.

Although we cant visibly see it, we are continually evolving into a bigger and better version of ourselves. Sometimes, as much as it hurts, we have to let go of someone because we grew in a different direction from them. 

Its not good or bad - it just is. And the sooner you realize this, the quicker you can heal your heartbreak and move on with your own life. Have you even considered theres someone better for you out there? Someone perhaps more compatible?


Your lifestyle and the lifestyle of the person who broke your heart eventually stopped being compatible. If you can accept that your values were heading on a different course, you will understand why your union was temporary whether you were with them 3 years or 30 years. People change.

Lets explore why its in your best interest to let go and move on.

1. Your Partners Negativity is Starting to Make You Negative

Your partners negativity is starting to rub off on you, and since you are the company you keep - youre turning into a negative, sour person. 

Who you spend the majority of your time with greatly influences the person you are evolving into. Ever notice how your mood changes if youre around negative, pessimistic people for any length of time?

2. You and Your Partner Have Grown Apart

Sadly, no matter how much you wish things could be different, either you or your partner has slowly progressed away from your fundamental values. Truthfully, this is a natural part of life in many instances. Can you imagine how dreadful it would be if nothing and no one ever evolved, progressed, or changed? Unfortunately, this principle applies to couples as well and they simply grow apart.

Reasons to Move on After Heartbreak 

3. Your Primary Goals and Needs Have Changed

What worked for you in the beginning of a relationship no longer works now. You are different and so is your partner. Youre not the same person you were 5 minutes ago let alone after 5 years. Its hard to let go and may be difficult to start fresh with your new truth, but its necessary.

4. You are Afraid to Let Go

Depending on how long youve been in a relationship with someone, it may be overwhelming and scary to think of yourself on your own. 

So you have to ask yourself - do you want to remain in a miserable but somewhat secure (financial) relationship? Or take a leap of faith in order to find a level of happiness youve never known before? 

Dont let your disappointments and fears hold you back from living your best life ever.

5. Old Grudges and Resentments

Youre letting an old grudge keep you from complete happiness and joy. Holding on to hatred, resentment, and anger doesnt hurt or affect the other person, it only hurts you. 

Forgiving someone doesnt mean its okay what they did to you; what it does mean is youre willing to forgive, forget, and move on. The Universe will take care of their wrongdoings in terms of karma, so no worries there. 

Let go of the pain this person has caused you and anyone else for that matter. The grudge is only hurting you.

No matter how much it hurts, sometimes the best and obvious answer is to simply let go and move on. And when you do, doors will open for you in ways you never thought possible. Trust that it will happen, and it will.

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