
Saturday, March 26, 2016

What Can You Do To Get Your Ex To Pay Attention To You Again

If youre trying to get your ex back you might be having a hard time getting him to pay any attention to you. Well, other than attracting negative attention from your ex right now, this might be a bit of a problem for a bit. After all, your ex has broken up with you. He has rejected you. I know it hurts but there are things that you can to do get your ex back and get him to start paying attention to you and what you might have to say.
If you find that your ex reacts negatively to you right now that might actually be a bit of a good sign if you are hoping to get him back. Getting your ex back is actually easier than you might think and knowing that you did get a reaction out of him, albeit a negative one, is actually a good sign and something that you should hold on to as you work towards getting him back. If he seems annoyed or agravated with you, hold on to that. It means that you are able to push his emotional hot buttons. Of course, you are pushing the negative emotional hot buttons but still you are getting something.
But how do you go from pushing his negative emotional hot buttons to pushing his positive emotional hot buttons? How do you go from being in the dog house to ruling the roost? It might be a little bit of a tiresome course but if you play your cards right and understand male psychology you can get your ex back and actually have the control in the relationship once everything is said and done.
You see, men are built emotionally a little different than us women. While most guys will never admit to being ruled by their emotions, most men have surpressed these emotions and this works in your favor as you work to get your ex back. It is like pushing an unseen buttons in your boyfriends psyche. It is like knowing secret words that will work every time to get the reaction that you are looking for which is probably to get your ex back and get him to pay attention to you and want to be with you.
All of this is very simple but Im here to tell you that it might not necessarily be easy. It might not be easy for you to do the things that are necessary for you to get your ex back. You are going to want to talk about the problems in the relationship or tell him that you still love him and you are going to want to push him to come back to you. All of these things will drive him away and actually make matters worse for you in the long run. All of these things will destroy your chances of getting your ex back and make the time you are apart longer.
But if you can pull yourself together, regain your self confidence and play him by using male psychology and by pushing his positive emotional hot buttons in the right way, you stand a very good chance of getting your ex back.
Your first step should be to cut off all communication with your ex. Make it appear that you have given up and that your life is moving on. Of course, in the quiet of your heart and the silence of your lonely nights you will be building yourself back up so when that day arrives when you have got yourself together you will be able to knock his socks off and make him want you more than ever.
You might be tempted to want to wallow in self pity or allow jealousy to rule your mind as you think of your ex with another woman but the truth is that you can and will get him back if you keep your cool and listen to what Im saying here. If pushing him and trying to talk to him and assuring him that you still love him is going to push him away then the opposite will have the opposite effect. Doing nothing and keeping to yourself as you make yourself and your life more attractive to him later on down the line will help.
Often, all that is necessary to get your ex back is to just ignore him. Sometimes just not talking to him, not texting him or calling him will make him wonder what is going on and make him a little scared that you and your attention has gone somewhere else. Sometimes that is all that is necessary for you to get your ex back. If that doesnt work there are other techniques that you can use to dig deeper into his psyche using male psychology to get your ex back but take a little time first, get yourself together and try this logical approach to getting your ex back.

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