
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Keeping A Positive Outlook During Divorce

Keeping A Positive Outlook During Divorce
by Leeanne Kunnert

Men going through the divorce process, especially when children are involved, are clearly at a disadvantage. Women have been favored and continue to be throughout divorce proceedings. Society likes to view women as victims while acting like all men are scoundrels. The problem with this is that in order for a marriage to fail both parties are accountable. No one is without fault in a divorce.


Lots of men are stigmatized by the image of men in our culture being the bread winners for so long. Even though this image is no longer representative of the society we live in today it is still an issue that is facing men in divorce. Financially men are seen as the provider leaving them with the financial burden in divorce. This is a troubling matter especially with the role reversal that is common in todays homes. More men are staying home while their wives return to work. An even more common element in homes today is the presence of two working parents. Divorce is never clear cut.

If you are a man going through a divorce it is important that you keep your head up and dont allow yourself to get depressed. Feeling low about yourself only leads you into a situation where you are more easily taken advantage of. Keeping a positive outlook on life and a positive frame of mind allows you to focus on a better outcome to your divorce. Keep disagreements with your spouse to a minimum. This will help eliminate any more bad blood while allowing you to focus on your new optimistic approach to your life after divorce.

While you are moving through your divorce keep an eye on all assets and liabilities. Keep track of money that is being spent on credit cards and withdrawn from joint bank accounts. Your wives divorce attorney will tell her to do the same. This is not meant to be sneaky but to prevent you from being responsible for joint debt that occurs while you are in the process of divorcing. At the end of the divorce you want to remain financially stable. This will not be possible if joint accounts are wiped out and credit card debt is racked up during the dissolution of your marriage.

If you have been the stay at home care provider it is important that you determine what means you have to get back into the work force. The same should be true for your spouse as well if she has taken on the role as in home care provider to your family. Both parties should be financially responsible for bringing in a source of income after the divorce. Dont rely on financial support from your significant other especially if you are a man. Getting spousal support is fairly uncommon for men in todays society.

Getting a divorce is not easy. When going through a divorce seek support from friends as well as from an attorney that specializes in mens divorce. Keep the future in your sites, keep a positive outlook, maintain your finances and work on moving forward.

More Information:

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dads in divorce. For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at


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