
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Expressions of Love for Your Partner

Receiving love proves challenging for numerous people. In some cases, they may actively block the sentimental expression or a particular way of hearing they are loved may not resonate with them. What does that mean for the partner seeking to shower their loved one with the deep truth of how big an impact they are? Here are a few ideas, some large and others small, to capture the elusive feeling of adoration one feels for a partner.

Be Appreciative: Hearing how their gestures impact your life helps them know you are paying attention. Far too often, a multitude of kindnesses go ignore building up resentment. Even better, expressing gratitude for who they are, their impact on your life and all the ways the day is better with them emphasizes the depth of your love. Saying thank you seems small, but it pays huge dividends.

The Gift of Time: In our society, people never have time for one another. We rush from one thing to another, look to mark things off our to do list and remain connected to our electronic devices. Imagine receiving the gift of an uninterrupted evening with a loved one when all the outside demands are silenced. It demonstrates how they are the center of your life.

Make a Plan: Think about the special day when you got checked out school early for a game or movie. Or maybe you slipped out of the office early so you could hear the band you liked perform an outdoor concert. Now, take those creative muscles and plan a special day for the one you love. It can be a romantic scavenger hunt all with little nods to how special they are. Even whisking them out of the office for a picnic lunch will show youre thinking of them.

Youre outstanding because youre you
Expressions of Love for Your Partner

Say the Words and Say More: Dont be stingy with the "I Love Yous." We all need to hear it. A sincere "I Love You" brightens anyones day. But dont stop there. Find new and creative ways to express the same sentiment. Maybe whispering "Te amo" in Spanish or "Je tamie" in French can be exciting. Also, try not limiting yourself to the tried and true. Couples find their own expressions of love. Seek the right mix to capture the feelings and say it.

Use Variety: Receiving the same card, gift or words every single time deflates the expression rather than increases it. This means putting on your thinking beret and take a few extra steps.

* Gifts-Flowers, candy or little plastic dinosaurs. Pick the right thing which brings out the warm feelings.
* Notes-Feelings on paper provides a marker to the time and sentiment for your partner. Dont resist a little love poetry either.
* Touches-Hugs, foot rubs and smooches never go out of style and being close feels great for you and your partner.
* Sing-Accompanying your singing on the ukulele may capture the passion brewing in your heart for your special someone.

Deep and lasting love is eternal by definition. This means you need to be creative and excited about expressing your love because time will never run out. And nothing warms a heart like a passionate "I Love You."

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