
Friday, April 8, 2016

Do I Need to Save My Marriage Six Signs Your Marriage May Be In Trouble

By Patricia Bowles

Recognizing that your marriage is struggling can be a very scary realization. As you move forward to try to save your marriage, it is vital to first recognize the problem with your marriage. There are six tell tale signs that you and your partner need to take some time to reflect on your relationship.

A breakdown in communication is the first and probably most important sign that your marriage is in trouble. Many struggling couples only discussing daily events, and never talking about anything meaningful. Two major communication issues include constant arguing and lack of communication altogether. Some arguments may be healthy for a relationship, but it is no longer healthy when it becomes the primary form of communication.

The second sign is loss of friendship. This means that you and your spouse no longer spend time as friends, and dont enjoy being around each other in a non-romantic way. Our culture pushes the notion that there must be a huge amount of lust between you and your partner, but the truth is that a baseline of friendship is much more powerful than lust.

Lack of trust may occur in an unhealthy relationship. Whether this is due to infidelity or a lying issue, trust can take years to rebuild. This is another very common sign of marriage decay.

Intimacy is important in any relationship. If your sex life is limited or non-existant, it can leave one partner feeling unloved and unattractive. Lack of intimacy can also lead to temptations of cheating on one another.

Have you ever felt trapped in your marriage? Any relationship should make you feel validated, not like you cant move forward and improve your life. Many people in failing marriages feel that they would be better off on their own.

Interacting with others and going out as a couple is important. In many failing marriages, couples never do anything together and lead very solitary lives. It is important to choose to be with your partner during leisure time.

If you see any of these signs in your marriage, it is time to start analyzing your marriage critically. Signing up for a marriage course or going to counseling are great first steps in alleviating your situation. You can save your marriage, but you must know what your problem is before you can fix it.

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