
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Are Your Friends Poison to Your Relationship

Sometimes, friends can get in the way of your relationship in a really big and lethal way. Its hard to find balance between life, love, family, and friends. Everyone wants a little bit of your time. 


You must work to find that perfect balance without inadvertently placing your relationship on the back burner. Keeping a safe line of demarcation between friends and your lover, can be a crucial secret for long-term success in your relationship and/or marriage. These small changes will make a big difference.

Stop Telling Your Best Friend Everything

While she is your best friend and you want to share the ups and downs of your life with her, the truth is that she doesnt love your man -- but she does love you. Shes going to hold a grudge against him for the things youve told her long after youve kissed, made up, forgiven, and forgotten. 

Shes going to still be hopping mad at him for some slight thats old news and completely gone with the wind as far as youre concerned. Shes going to remind you, constantly about how he isnt good enough for you, doesnt deserve you, and isnt treating you right. The problem is youre eventually going to begin believing her and start carrying grudges of your own.

Put Your Friend after Your Partner

Its true that your friend may have been there for you long before your partner. However, that doesnt change the fact that he needs to come before your friends if youre going to have a successful and long-lasting relationship.  

Your relationship needs to be a priority in your life not some afterthought that gets the leftover attention after everyone and everything else has had its share. Its hard to make time for everyone on your list of people to see, but sometimes its necessary.

Show Loyalty to Your Man

If you really want to make a favorable impression with your friend and the man you love, be loyal to him. Dont talk about the negatives around other people. Discuss any problems you have with him and present a wall of solidarity and support to the world. Youll never know how much of a difference it makes to him and how he feels about your relationship.

Incorporate these small changes into your relationship and see for yourself what a difference they make. Youll be surprised at how noticeable the changes in warmth, love, and affection are in the aftermath of a few small adjustments like these. 

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