
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Things Women Really Love from their Men

I hope you are having a lovely weekend, here in Sweden it is snowing and the winter is really here which make´s cosy evenings with candle lights perfect. Things Women Really Love from their Men are those small signs of love as described in the article. A foot massage could really be appreciated of most women after a stressful day, it also gives a romantic feeling to each other.You really dont have to catch the moon to make her happy. 
With Love
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Relationships are a series of good times and bad. The key is in making the good times exceptional and brief.
Doing this makes the bad times increasingly rare, briefer every time, and helps to maintain a little bit of brightness when they arrive.
Small Tokens of Affection
No, you don’t have to break the break. We’re not talking about tokens along the lines of Ertha Kitt’s infamous Christmas list.
The big gifts in life might light a fire in the eyes of the woman you love. But, it’s the little things that melt her heart and bind her to you in ways no sable coats ever will.
Cuddle Time
Women like to cuddle. Not as a form of foreplay, but simply as a sign of affection. Holding hands, cuddling on the couch, and laying with her feet (or head) in your lap are perfect.
They are all signs of casual intimacy and love that MATTER to her in a really big way. It’s a small gesture on your part that carrier massive weight in her heart.
Hearing those Three Magic Words
You know what they are. You’ve probably said them to her dozens of times. You’ve probably not said them to her even more. The thing is, she NEEDS to hear them.
Those words mean the world to her because they reinforce her position in YOUR world. Tell her “I love you!” and watch how her face just lights up at the reminder.
Your Approval
The other thing your woman needs from you more than you’ll ever know or understand is your approval. Give it to her.
Tell her she looks great tonight. Even if she “dismisses” it with something along the lines of a questioning “This old thing,” she is secretly tickled and extremely pleased to hear it.
She works hard to look good for you, prepare good food for you to eat, and keep your house in great shape. Acknowledge her efforts and you’ll be rewarded with a very happy girlfriend, wife, or partner on your hands.
Being Asked on a Date
When was the last time you threw caution to the wind and asked her out on a date? Not asking her, “Do you wanna go do something?” But, asking her on an actual date. A date you’ve planned out ahead of time?
Have you ever done this?
If not, now is the time. It will rock her world and melt her heart even more. Try it! You’re going to love the results!
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